Sunday 19 September 2010

Uni :)

With a huge cup of tea, glasses on and my feet up (after walking from Canterbury back to uni - lets not be surprised) I can chill out in my room, at least for the time being, before I'll get hungry, go out, or get a knock on my door. Yesterday I've met some amazing people and it was only the first night, I hope this trend will continue on. I managed to get my internet working in my room - which was a miracle in itself - I was on the verge of crying and giving up. Nowwww the room is getting hot because I even turned the heating on, so after a long cold night out I can come back to a warm room - unlike yesterday.
This post is taking me ages to write because I am running around like a headless chicken. I keep coming back to it and everytime I do that I keep losing track of things and thoughts. I think I'm just going to forget about it.